At the age of 27, while thumbing through my grandmother's bedside table drawer, I discovered that I was adopted. While immediately shocking, it did clear up a few things I'd wondered about, but had pushed into the deepest recesses of my mind. It's been seven years since I plucked that yellowed hallmark card out of Grandma's drawer and four years since the search for my birth mother sucessfully ended on her front porch. I'm writing about my search for my thesis. I'm a graduate student at the University of Southern California. The most interesting thing I've found so far is that there is very little written on "late discovery adoptees,'' the term the adoption world has afixed to folks like me, folks who find out later in life that they're adopted. I'm looking for anyone out there who found out later in life (even teen-age years) that he or she was adopted. Mostly, I'd like to get a handle on how different parents dealt with the non-telling. Fabrications? Extenuating circumstances? Ideally, I hope to create a forum for LDAs to share stories. - Donna
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